StacyStylez (DJ)
*How old are you? What city were you born in? What about your studies?
*At what age did you realize that u had potentials to be a DJ?
Music has always been a huge part of my life. I can say birth has given me the gift of music. (I was born 8/8 @ 8:08PM and 8= breath of song) I do everything within a rhythm, even day to day things are done all in rhythmic formation. When I realized not everyone lives like that, I started to pay very close attention to music. I'd 're-mix' the tracks in my mind and create a brand new sound. Thus, leading me to make a hobby of mashups and constant mixes. I turned that hobby into a profession and have never been happier.
*There are many DJ schools, in fact I attended one because I like it a lot, what do you think? Is one born to be a DJ or anyone can become a DJ with daily practice?
Not everyone has a 'story' like mine. A lot of people have a wonderful passion for music and train hard to become a successful DJ. DJ schools are amazing because they take that passion (and feeling), and turn it into a learned science. I too, went to 'DJ school' and it taught me the fundamentals of what being a 'real' DJ is as opposed to someone that has great taste in music. Learning an art is great, even the greatest painters have been taught about brushes, paints, etc etc.
*How does the spirit of your body feel when you’re in front of hundreds or millions of people that dance to the rhythm of your music , I want you to describe those sensations that the pubic want to know?
Playing music for all the people in large arena's/stadiums and packed out venues is an instant high. I'm actually generating my energy onto them. There is no other feeling that I can compare it too. No DJ school in the world can teach this, its something that comes from deep within the soul. Energy is the #1 important thing when being behind the turntables. The DJ controls the emotions and vibe the whole time they are playing. I never leave the stage for that exact reason. I always keep the flow and never break it up. I become one with the music, I trust it and believe in it. I learned a long time ago, your audience needs to trust you. Once they gain that trust, the night/feeling/vibe -whatever you call it, is yours. Its something that can not be spoken, only felt.
*What would you say to a DJ who is just starting?
To DJ's that are just starting out, I'd say learn on turntables. Forget Serato exists for now, forget cd's exist...start on turntables. The reason I say that is because on turntables you feel the essence of the track's soul. You are controlling the sound and calling the shots. If you 'mess up' you may just invent a new technique. Its trail and error, but there is no greater feeling than scratching a record.
*Would you like to mix for a Spanish party, may I invite you to do so? Have you ever had the opportunity before?
I love love love Spanish events. I'd be honored to do so. Spanish music is vibrant, sexy, fun, and always keeps crowds dancing. I have some of the best memories DJ'ing
Spanish parties.
*There’s lots of DJs in the world with names such as Tiesto: “ whos my favorite one”, DJ Hero Paul Van Dyke Benny Bennacy, Martha the Spaniard one or if you have other DJ’S that you like, which ones captivate you and why?
Gosh, to name DJ's that captivate me will take up too many pages. I love DJ's that aren't afraid to mix in something extreme, off the beatin path, something that makes no sense at all...yet makes perfect sense. I don't want to hand pick DJ's by name because I'd have to leave so many out and they all deserve the equal credit.
*Have you ever shared the stage with any famous DJ? Tell us about it?
I have shared stages with the greatest, of great-old school hip hop dj's to some of the best house dj's in the world. I'm humbled, honored and totally flattered to do so.
*You were telling me that you were visiting other countries was it just tourism? Or did you have the opportunity for mix music for any night club? Tell us about your experience?
I have DJ'd all over the planet. I had a regular spot in London (which has since closed), I played in the swiss Alps, Greece, Dominican Republic, almost all 50 states, mexico etc etc
* Is there any difference between an American DJ and a European DJ?
European DJ's tend to be taken more seriously, only because they mix a lot of their own tracks in a regular set. The European house scene is still thriving and American DJ's need to pick up a bit more on that.
*What does New York City mean to you? Tell our readers how fascinating this city is?
I grew up in New York, got my DJ start in NY and I am still please to call NY home! I travel all the time, but NY is and always will be my greatest accomplishment. Its where the heart is...
Give our Viscion readers your greetings and thank you for the opportunity of having in our Magazine Stacy Stylez.
Thank you very much to Viscion readers, publishers and writers. I am greatly honored to be a part of your publication and hope each and every one of you follow your dreams. Xoxoxox
Stacy Stylez
Entrevista en español,lea lo que nos cuenta una de las mejores DJ de la gran manzana
No todo el mundo tiene una
"historia" como la mía. Mucha gente tiene una maravillosa pasión por la música y el tren duro para convertirse en un exitoso DJ. Escuelas de DJ son sorprendentes porque toman esa pasión (y sentimiento) y convertirlo en una ciencia aprendida.
También fui a la 'Escuela de DJ' y él me enseñó los fundamentos de lo que significa ser un 'auténtico' DJ es en comparación con alguien que tiene gran gusto
musical. Aprender un arte es grande, incluso los más grandes pintores han sido enseñados sobre pinceles, pinturas, etc..
Música para toda la gente de la arena grande / estadios y lugares de llenas hacia fuera es un alta inmediata. Yo realmente estoy
generando mis energías en ellos. No hay ningún otro sentimiento que yo puedo compararlo demasiado. No hay clases de DJ en el
mundo pueden enseñar esto, es algo que viene desde lo más profundo en el alma. Energía es lo importante de la #1 al estar detrás de los platos. El DJ controla las emociones y el ambiente todo el tiempo que están jugando. Nunca dejo la etapa por esa razón exacta. Yo siempre mantener el flujo y no romper nunca. Me uno con la música, confía en él y creer en él. Aprendí hace
mucho tiempo que su audiencia tiene que confío en ti. Una vez que ganan esa confianza, la noche/sensación/vibe-como quieran llamarla, es tuyo. Es algo que no puede ser hablado, sólo sentía.
Para DJs que están empezando, yo diría aprender a platos. Olvidar que Serato existe por ahora, olvidemos cd existe... comienzo a
platos. La razón que digo esto es porque a platos se siente la esencia del alma de la pista. Controlar el sonido y el
cotarro. Si usted "desordenar" sólo se puede inventar una nueva técnica. Su sendero y el error, pero no haya una mayor
sensación de rayar un registro.
Me encanta amor amor Español eventos. Me honraría a hacerlo. Música española es vibrante, sexy,
divertida y siempre mantiene las multitudes bailando. Tengo algunos de los mejores recuerdos de partidos españoles DJ'ing.
Dios mío, a nombre de DJ que me cautivan tomará demasiadas páginas. Me encanta DJ que no tienen miedo de mezclar en algo extremo,
fuera del camino beatin, algo que no tiene ningún sentido en absoluto... pero tiene mucho sentido. No quiero dar selección de DJ por su nombre porque tendría que
dejar muchos clientes y todos merecen el crédito igual.
He compartido escenarios con el más grande, de gran-old school hip hop dj algunas del mejor casa dj en el mundo. Soy humilde,
honrado y halagado totalmente hacerlo.
Tengo DJ sería todo sobre el planeta. Tuve un lugar regular en Londres (que desde entonces ha cerrado), jugué en la swiss Alps,
Grecia, República Dominicana, casi los 50 Estados, México etc.
DJ europeos tienden a tomarse más en serio, sólo porque mezclan mucho sus propias pistas en un conjunto regular. La escena de la
casa europea todavía está prosperando y American DJ necesita recoger un poco más en eso.
Crecí en Nueva York, consiguió mi comienzo de DJ en NY y me complace aún llamada NY hogar! Viajo todo el tiempo, pero Nueva York es
y siempre será mi mayor logro. Su donde está el corazón...
Muchas gracias a escritores, editores y lectores de Viscion. Mucho me siento honrado de ser parte de su publicación y esperamos
todos y cada uno de ustedes sigan sus sueños. XOXOXOX
Enviado por: DJ Stacy Stylez
by:Marco Munoz Ortega