Además, Fátima ha participado en 70 comerciales de televisión y actualmente es la voz del popular personaje Dora la Exploradora que transmite la cadena Nickelodeon.
Su carrera cinematográfica comenzó a principios del 2009 cuando fue elegida junto a Catherine Zeta Jones en la comedia 'The Reboud'. También ha sido parte del filme 'The Miracle of Spanish Harlem', junto a Kate del Castillo y Luis Antonio Ramos, 'Anything is posible' y 'A Little Game', en esta última personifica a una niña mala.
A pesar de su corta edad, Fátima se destaca no solo por su gran talento en el modelaje y la actuación, sino también por su amor por la gimnasia olímpica, la equitación y su pasión por la lectura. Es una destacada alumna y actualmente estudia mandarín en un centro especial para niños con un intelecto dotado.
A través de su página de Facebook, Ptacek publicó unas fotos en la alfombra roja y sosteniendo su primer Óscar en sus manos. En esta escribió en inglés, entre otras frases: "¡Qué noche tan increíble! El Óscar es pesado. Gracias a Shawn Christensen por tener fe en mí
Fatima began his artistic career from an early age. Its beginnings were modeling at the age of seven, once her mother placed her in a private Academy. Immediately, the owners of the agencies noted qualities and began to hire. Since then he has made advertising for magazines like Benneton, Chic Monalisa, Newsweek, Kids, among others.
In addition, Fatima has participated in 70 commercial television and is currently the voice of the popular character Dora the Explorer transmitting the network Nickelodeon.
His film career began in early 2009 when she was elected alongside Catherine Zeta Jones in the comedy 'The Reboud'. It has also been part of the film 'The Miracle of Spanish Harlem', along with Kate de el Castillo and Luis Antonio Ramos, ' Anything is possible ' and 'A Little Game', in the latter embodies a bad girl.
Despite his young age, Fatima highlights are not only by his great talent in the modeling and acting, but also by their love for the Olympic Gymnastics, horse riding and her passion for reading. It is an outstanding student and currently studying mandarin at a Centre for children with a gifted intellect.
On his Facebook page, Ptacek published some photos on the red carpet and holding its first Oscar in his hands. In this he wrote in English, among other phrases: "what a night so incredible! The Oscar is heavy. Thanks to Shawn Christensen for having faith in me