Photograher by: Jody Wright
Body Tape Shoot by:Glampixirl
When and where you born? Born in Ireland on the 24th of January 1991
Full name? Judy Fitzgerald
How where you beginning in bodybuilding? I began my fitness Journey in June 2019 when I entered my first competition. I came first
in all category’s I entered and won the overall European title.
How is your training routine? I train five days per week strength training, one day total body workout and one rest
How would you describe your diet now? I am bulking at the moment so I am on high calories to gain muscle. I will start
cutting for my next show in April. Then I will be eating less calories to loose body fat for the world championships in August.
Tell me about your background in your bodybuilding? I am a qualified fitness instructor, personal trainer and nutritionist. I went
to watch many competitions and I fell in love with the sport.
How sacrificed is the the world of weight? You have to sacrifice a lot to place high as a bodybuilder. It takes a lot of
motivation, dedication and commitment. You have to do it for yourself and nobody else. Work each day on bettering yourself. It’s a lifestyle.
There are 60-70-80 year old body builders who has amazing bodies? yes there are. People train in their old age to keep active and
feeling healthy.
What weight were you when you stared training? Around 50kg
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Judy is Irelands European fitness model champion. Since wining her PRO status she has represented Ireland in the world championships.
She is also a qualified Nurse, fitness instructor and lifeguard. She enjoys leading a healthy lifestyle and promoting Heath and well-being.
Judy sends a special thank you to all the followers of magazine “Viscion" in the world, for taking time to read her article. She
wishes you all the very best in life. If you would like to follow Judy’s fitness journey follow her on Instagram @judyfitzgerald_