Solange Merdinian 


photography by:Marco Muñoz Ortega

*Cuentanos tu nacimiento y tu venida a los Estados Unidos?

Naci en Cordoba, Argentina y desde muy temprana edad siempre tuve mucha inclinacion hacia lo artistico. Mis dias transcurrian desde chiquita, de ir a un colegio de doble escolaridad donde teniamos las materias normales de una escuela y luego por la tarde teniamos todas clases relacionadas a la musica. En la Escuela Domingo Zipoli, Los Ninos Cantores de Cordoba comencé mis primeras experiencias como cantante, ya que mi escuela era conocida por sus coros de ninos. Luego de la doble escolaridad, seguian las actividades extra curriculares, desde los 3 anos comence a estudiar danzas clasicas, jazz, tap, entre otros estilos, desde los 6 anos pintura; desde los 10 anos flauta traversa; y tomar clases de Ingles y Armenio como idiomas, y tuve una infancia tan feliz porque desde las 7:30 que comenzaba la escuela hasta las 11 pm no paraba con actividades todos los dias! y me encantaba!

*Desde niña ya estabas predispuesta a ser una soprano,cómo se va desarrollando tu vida en la música?

A los 14 anos ya que mi hermano Sami, que en ese entonces tenia 16 anos, estudiaba violin con el mejor profesor de Argentina, y le dijo que para ser solista tendria que ir a estudiar a USA o Europa para continuar su carrera, entonces mis padres nos apoyaron y dijeron que vayamos a audicionar al mejor lugar de USA entonces vinimos a la preparatoria pre-college de The Juilliard School,donde audicionamos, y fuimos aceptados.

*Tu eres una soprano,hay soprano Lírica,Ligera y Drámatica,hablanos de ti?

De alli es que fui aceptada para hacer un double major en canto y flauta traversa a los 15 anos hasta que termine high school. Mientras seguia con pintura, y clases de danza me di cuenta que todo no podria hacer, entonces a los 18 anos cuando entre a la Universidad me decidi de solo audicionar para Canto, y alli comenzo todo. ( en realidad tengo una historia mas larga porque eleji el canto, pero eso quedara para otra entrevista).
Siempre me gusto el escenario, bailar, cantar, actuar, y entonces dije el Canto es el que incluye la mayoria de las cosas que me gustan.
Desde los 15 anos decidi ser cantante lirica ( anque siempre supe que queria ser artista de algun modo u otro...y la vida me fue llevando) y aqui estoy, soy Mezzo-Soprano y vivo feliz!

De alli es que fui aceptada para hacer un double major en canto y flauta traversa a los 15 anos hasta que termine high school. Mientras seguia con pintura, y clases de danza me di cuenta que todo no podria hacer, entonces a los 18 anos cuando entre a la Universidad me decidi de solo audicionar para Canto, y alli comenzo todo. ( en realidad tengo una historia mas larga porque eleji el canto, pero eso quedara para otra entrevista).
Siempre me gusto el escenario, bailar, cantar, actuar, y entonces dije el Canto es el que incluye la mayoria de las cosas que me gustan.
Desde los 15 anos decidi ser cantante lirica ( anque siempre supe que queria ser artista de algun modo u otro...y la vida me fue llevando) y aqui estoy, soy Mezzo-Soprano y vivo feliz!

*La revista official de música de la BBC te llamo una mezzo-soprano cuentanos hacerca de esta nominación de la prestigiosa revista?

Acerca de las criticas del New York Times y la revista BBC, la verdad fueron inesperadas, pero siempre es muy lindo recibir esos alagos por parte de medios tan conocidos y prestigiosos. Me siento afortunada de haber sido parte de producciones donde tenia papeles importantes, y obviamente siempre es lindo recibir elogios de estos medios, pero uno siempre no canta para eso, sino canta para llegar al publico de alguna forma u otra, e involucrarlos en mi mundo, y bueno tuve la suerte que justo ellos estuvieron presente y les guste.

*Fuiste aclamada por el New York times,qué piensas de tan alta alabanza,de un medio importante en el mundo?

Bueno la verdad hay algo que me encanta de como esta transcurriendo mi carrera. Uno se imagina una cantante lirica, una mezzo-soprano, que solo canta operas, pero yo no! No puedo quejarme que en realidad no solo hago opera desde lo barroco a lo moderno, pero cante un tango opera de Piazzolla que es canto estilo tango, no lirico, tambien hago musica de camara con otros instrumentos, y recitales con piano y voz solamente, asique lo divertido para mi es poder mantener esta variedad de presentaciones y estilos, inclusive donde lo conoci que fue el partido de futbol donde cante el himno frances sin ser francesa, en el estadio de los NY Red Bulls! quien dice la proxima estare cantando el himno italiano en otro partido jaja

*Cuentanos hacerca de tu ultima presentación en el viejo continente?

*Cuales serian tus planes futuros?

Y hablando diferentes actividades, este agosto/septiembre 2013 realizamos la primera edicion de "New Docta International Music Festival" en Cordoba, Argentina con mi hermano Sami Merdinian violinista e Yves Dharamraj cellista. Decidimos co-fundar una fundacion y festival que se encargue de una vez al ano traer musica a Cordoba, Argentina con diferentes artistas invitados a Argentina, para realizar diversas actividades. Por ejemplo este ano fuimos a hospitales de ninos, esculeas publicas, privadas para dar conceirtos didacticos, tambien para poder compartir con ninos que nunca antes habian escuchado musica clasica o tenido oportunidad alguna de hacerlo, y tambien realizamos clases magistrales en La Universadad Nacional de Cordoba y Conservatorio Superior de la misma ciudad. Todas las actividades que realizamos fueron gratuitas, excepto nuestro concierto de gala en el teatro mas importante de la ciudad, el Teatro del Libertador San Martin. Tocamos para mas de 4,000 ninos y jovenes que nos esperan con ancias para el ano proximo!
Mis proximas actividades son varias, no solo seguir planeando para el ano proximo para nuestro festival de musica, sino tambien sigo con el tour de una opera contemporanea legendaria the Philip Glass, "Einstein on the Beach" que ya lleva dos anos con un tour mundial donde fuimos a actuar a Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Londres, Los Angeles, New York y la lista sigue...pero tambien estoy aprendiendo musica para un recital de musica contemporanea que sera en noviembre, otro recital que fui invitada en Weill Hall, Carnegie Hall en diciembre bueno y la lista sigue. Tambien mantengo mis alumnas en New York.

*Cuentanos una anegdota que te sucedió,en alguna de tus presentaciones?

Anecdotas de mis presentaciones? jaja y bueno hay muchas divertidas, como que se me atasco una vez una falda en una silla y mientras cantaba y bailaba y se quedo en la silla y tuve que seguir actuando como si nada sin ella ( pero sin problema, y no pierdan cuidado tenia ropa por debajo) pero como esta tengo muchas...

*Hablanos del papa argentino,es inevitable hacerte esta pregunta,qué piensas?

Y que puedo decir del Papa Argentino. Obviamente al ser el papa de un mi pais me da mucha satisfaccion, pero mas alla de ello, mas satisfaccion me da al ver que tenemos, como parece hasta el dia de hoy, un Papa digno, respetado, respetuoso, y bueno de corazon. En realidad no importa de donde viene, pero como realiza sus deberes como lider de la comunidad e iglesia catolica. Como deberia ser cualquier lider de cada religion, cada asociacion, alguien transparente y de palabra y corazon bueno con inteligencia y sabiduria necesaria para guiar sus seguidores correspondientes.

Y que puedo decir del Papa Argentino. Obviamente al ser el papa de un mi pais me da mucha satisfaccion, pero mas alla de ello, mas satisfaccion me da al ver que tenemos, como parece hasta el dia de hoy, un Papa digno, respetado, respetuoso, y bueno de corazon. En realidad no importa de donde viene, pero como realiza sus deberes como lider de la comunidad e iglesia catolica. Como deberia ser cualquier lider de cada religion, cada asociacion, alguien transparente y de palabra y corazon bueno con inteligencia y sabiduria necesaria para guiar sus seguidores correspondientes.

*El clima en el mundo,esta cambiando,qué piensas será por naturaleza mismo o será la mano del hombre qué la esta destruyendo?

El mundo siempre cambia y va cambiando como lo es la evolucion del hombre, y por consecuencia hay cosas buenas y malas dados los avances. En toda epoca hemos tenido conflictos, cambios, avances y pasos para atras, naturalemnte es el hombre que es responsable, pero muchas veces el hombre crea y no sabe como afecta o no en generaciones por venir. Uno siempre debe de hacer lo que piense que es mejor para nosotros, los que nos rodean y el mundo, pero obviamente no podemos controlar muchas veces las reacciones o consercuencias.

*Gracias Solange por tu tiempo,regalanos un saludo a nuestros lectores en el mundo?

Los invito a que visiten mi pagina web también mi pagina de facebook: Solange Merdinian Mezzo-Soprano al igual que la pagina de nuestro nuevo festival "New Docta International Music Festival" en facebook y

"New Docta International Music Festival""

Facebook:Solange Merdinian Mezzo-Soprano


*Tell us about birth and your journey to come to the United States?

*Since you were a little girl you already knew that you were going to be a soprano singer. How did you develop in this kind of music?

I was born in Cordoba, Argentina, and since i was a kid, I was artistically inclined. As a child, my days would start going to a school where in the morning we would have regular classes and in the afternoon we would take music classes
I began my first steps as a singer in the school,Domingo Zipoli, Los Ninos Cantores de Cordoba, since that is a school known for its children's choirs. After school, which ran from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm I would go to my extra curricular activities. When I was 3 years old I began dance classes: ballet, tap, jazz, among other styles. When I was 6 years old, began taking painting classes and at the age of 10 began with flute lessons as well as learning English and Armenian. I had the happiest childhood, because from 7:30 am to 11 pm I would not stop all day doing all these activities that I completely adored!

*Are you a Soprano? There are soprano lyric, light and dramatic. Tells us about yours?

*Tell us about your childhood and why did you decide to come to the United States?

When I was 14, since my middle brother sami who was 16 at the time, and was taking violin lessons, his teacher at the time told him if he wanted to become a soloist he would either have to move to the US or Europe to continue his studies. And since we have very supportive parents, thats when we made the move to come to the US and audition to get in to the Pre-College Division of The Juilliard School.
I auditioned for both Flute and Voice, and I was accepted. I continued with painting and dance on and off. When i was 18 it was time to decide my career path and I had no questions that I wanted to be a singer ( i have a longer story to why i decided to be a singer, but that will be for my next interview).
I always loved the stage. Love to sing, dance, act, and so in order to be a singer, you need to have most of these qualities that i enjoy.
Since i was 15, ( although i always wanted to be an artist of some sort, life guided me) here I am, I am a Mezzo-Soprano, and I am happy!

*The prestigious magazine of music from BBC named you Mezzo Soprano; tell us about this nomination?

Now you asked me about NYTimes and BBC reviews that i got from different shows I did. Honestly they were completely unexpected, but it is always nice to get compliments from such prestigious and respected media. I am fortunate to have been part of productions where I portrayed important characters and roles, I never sing to get a review or get approval. I sing to communicate and take the audience through a journey ( always from the most honest part of my soul and being) and make them part of my world. I was just lucky that those reviewers where there, and they enjoyed it.

*You were acclaimed by the new York Times the most important news paper in the world. What do you think about it?

Something that I am extremely happy about, is how my career is taking shape. When you hear Mezzo-Soprano, if you look at the typical opera singer, mostof what they do is to sing in operas. Not me!
I can't complain, because not only I get to do operas, from baroque to contemporary, but I i got to sing a tango-opera by Piazzolla, which is style music, and not classical; also i get to do lots of chamber music with other instruments; recitals with piano and voice; so what is fun is to maintain the diversity in styles and presentation. And on that note, thats how we met, when I sang the French National Anthem, without being french, in the NY Red Bulls game! who knows maybe next time I will be singing the Italian National Anthem haha.

*Tell us about your last presentations in the old continent? What are your future plans?

Speaking of different activities, in August/September of 2013, my brother and violinist Sami Merdinian, and another cellist friend, Yves Dharamraj, and I, decided to create and create the New Docta Foundation. And did the first edition of our "New Docta International Music Festival" in Cordoba, Argentina. We brought two guest artist from the US to be part of our team on bringing chamber music to Cordoba, Argentina. For example this past season, we brought music to over 4000 kids and youth. Did free activities throughout the Cordoba City, in children's hospitals, schools, National University of Cordoba and Conservatory. We ended the week of activities with a Gala concert at the Teatro del Libertador San Martin. Now we are working really hard to bring more activities, more artists for the second edition in 2014!

Other activities coming up, is keep planning the festival, also the continuation of the world tour of the legendary contemporary opera by Philip Glass "Einstein on the Beach" We have been on tour for two years now, where we performed in the most prestigious venues in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, London, Los Angeles, New York among other places, but I am also learning music for upcoming recitals in New York. I also keep my voice students in New York.

*Tell us of an anecdote that you remember in one of your presentations?

Anecdotes from presentations? haha there are so many and fun ones, like ones a skirt got caught on a chair, I was singing and dancing, and of course kept singing without the skirt ( but dont worry, i had another layer below) but like this one..i have a few..

*Tell us about your argentinean father. Is inevitable to ask this question. What do think?

And what can I say about the Argentinean Pope?, of course since he is from my country, it gives me great satisfaction and pride, but more even that him being Argentinean, it is great to see that he is a great Pope, respected, respectful, and good at heart. The truth is, it does not really matter where he is from, but how he leads masses of people, the community and the catholic church. Like any leader of an institution, group, religion, association, we always want someone we can trust, who can guide us, good at heart, transparent, a man of word, intelligent and wise to be able to guide his followers.

*The climate in the world is changing. Do yiu think is changing naturally or that the we are respinsible for such changes? Solagne thanks for your time. Send your greetings to our readees ariund the world.

The world always changes, just like humans evolve, the world does too, therefore there are good and not so good aspects in change. In every era we have had conflicts, and changes. Man creates sometimes without knowing how it will reflect or affect future generations. One must always do what one thinks its best for not only oneself buy also for those around us, but obviously sometimes we cannot control reactions or consequences.

"www Docta Internacional Music Festival"

Facebook:Solange Merdinian Mezzo-Soprano

    VERONICA IOVAN(soprano)


phography by:Marco Munoz Ortega

At a very young age, romanian lyric soprano, Veronica Iovan, has already distinguished herself as an artist and performer of rare talent and magnetism, having performed recitals, operas, and concerts in USA, France, Norway, England, Spain, Iran and Italy.  In her native Romania she attended the National University of Music, and was quickly engaged for major performances, including an invitation to perform at the Presidential Palace of Romania, where she received outstanding critical acclaim.  After winning several vocal competitions, she was awarded scholarships to study in Verona, Italy and Strasbourg, France.  Since relocating to Manhattan, she has performed concerts with Maestro Tramm and the New Jersey State Opera and various locations around the state and has also been a featured performer on the Couture Fashion week at the Waldorff Astoria and New Yorker Hotel.  She has also sung for many civic and cultural organizations, such as the Confederazione Italiano del America, the Philippine and Romanian Embassies, and was invited to perform outdoors in front of thousands for the Romanian Day Celebration on Broadway and Columbus Day Parade in NY.  Veronica also models and is a trained ballet dancer with great acting skills.

phography by:Marco Munoz Ortega

* Hello Veronica, how you feel after your participation at Couture Fashion Week?

Hello and tank you for your interest and participation in CFW as well. Since i started collaborating with CFW team 2 years ago, i have to admit, i've been falling love more and more, each time i perform, with the glam and this amazing team of beautiful models, talented designers, stylists and media people.. It's like a match made in heaven haha. In one sentence, was a truly amazing experience. 

* It has been very nice to turn to see and to meet you personally, is a great pleasure to listen to your music, attendees
they were excited with your participation.What did you feel to be acclaimed

The best part of this experience is the public and media response to this events. The press conference after each show, has a very unique structure, its very open and allows the public from audience, the photographers, the artists and the models to build a "personal/friendly bridge", everyone can directly relate and have a conversation.

Do we could count your first steps in the music, I guess you have to sing other genres of music, tell us?

I'm a classically trained singer, for me a normal performance takes place for example in a Philharmonic or Opera stage. My performance with CFW brings out of me a new genre of music that it's called crossover, witch i have so much with, and it's when i take a popular pop song(and not only) that everyone knows, and i perform it in my own operatic classic way.
I have never tried any pop genres yet, but there's never to late for it. ;)

Do tell me how you found the road or you das account that you were a Soprano?

Well, i was always involved in art and music, at 5 i start taking ballet classes, at 6 my mom had me enroll a music school, where i started taking piano and singing classes, and by 14, it was very obvious to everyone that my voice transformed, was pretty big and developed and had the right qualities of an opera singer/soprano. When i was in highs cool, at the age of 15 i was already working in a Professional Philharmonic Choir with numerous soloist numbers.

* You've traveled many countries, therefore, various cultures, you know there is a difference of the "SOPRANO" in the world
such an Italian, Spanish, English, American us you could tell?

I believe a soprano will be a soprano anywhere, it has to do with the range of the voice and the vocal timbre. To keep it simple, most common types of voices in women are soprano(high voice) and mezzo-soprano(lower voice). You can have alto and contralto, witch are very low voices, close to a man's voice.
I do believe the difference is in the technic each country is using in training their singers, also the language you sing in can change the projection of the sound and give a different color to the voice. I do prefer the bell canto that's so very popular in Italy. It just healthy for a singer's vocal chords and brings out the beautiful colors in the voice. 

* When these on top of the stage, you feel, your spirit, we could decoding.
An interview which I did with a DJ from New York Stacy Stylez, told me that something is indecifrable, an artist feels
above a stage, she is a DJ and your one Soprano, I ask you if your feelings are the same.What do you think?

Yes, no matter if you are a singer, a DJ, for any performer, when you are on stage, you are feeling on top of the world, the time stops for that moment, the emotions, the nerves, the passion, the music the energy from the people around you, they all come together and the feeling it's addictive, something i can't express in words.. The strongest feeling it's when the public responds positive and you are pleased with your self.
But like in everything else, at times can be very deceiving and hurtful when u are to critic with your self or disappointed with a performance.

* You are a "LYRIC SOPRANO" but the Neoyorkina Elizabeth Hillebrand is a "LYRICAL SPINTO SOPRANO"
can you tell us if there is any difference?

Now like i said earlier there are two main women voice types, but each type of voice has it's own specifications and tessitura, there are ramifications of this main types, you can have lyric soprano, coloratura soprano, dramatic soprano and spin to soprano. The highest and lightest of them all is the coloratura, they have great agility. Lyric sopranos have a warm, bright clear tone, a bit fuller timber then the coloratura. A spynto soprano, has a stronger, darker voice and more weight than the lyric, it can be pushed to dramatic climaxes without straining.
The dramatic soprano is the heaviest and most powerful soprano voice with fuller sound and a lower tessitura then other sopranos. 

Korean "SOPRANO" there are SUMI JO, is known as the Queen of the night, you tell us some of it?

Sumi Jo is the perfect example of a coloratura soprano, and the name of QUeen of the night, comes from her performances and role as Queen of the night from Mozart's opera The magic flute. That role is the finale test for any coloratura soprano, you have to listen to it to understand why. 

* What do you think about the climatic changes, they are natural or they are produced by human beings, because of the disorder that we cause?

I believe the balance of the world has been disturbed specially in the past 50 years of existence mostly from pollution, we are pushing the mother earth to it's limits of protecting her self. I also believe will be some type of response, there are always cycles where once in a while maybe thousands years apart, the Earth fights back and trying to heal it's self. Hopefully humanity we will still be around when such cycle will take place next.

Do you're a very beautiful woman, both physically or spiritually, are you married or how does dating goes for someone like you?

Haha, why, are you interested? :) No, i am not married, and i am dating just as a regular women, some man get intimidated around me sometimes, but i have my own insecurities and i fall in love just like everyone else. We all dream on finding the perfect match and live happily ever after, if there's such a thing :)

* After your participation at Couture Fashion Week, what plans you have?

I'm planning on getting a cd out there, working on making it happening, hopefully with some help and more work from me, this will take place sooneI'm planning on getting a cd out there, working on making it happening, hopefully with some help and more work from me, this will take place sooner then later. I also have some coming collaborations with NJ State Opera and with The Sicilian Federation of NY. It should be an exiting year then later. I also have some coming collaborations with NJ State Opera and with The Sicilian Federation of NY. It should be an exiting year

* Thank you Veronica for your time and gives a greeting to readers of "VISCION"

It was a great pleasure meeting you and have this conversation with you. I have the warmest wishes for you and your readers, best of luck, success and a happy happy life. 










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